Dedicated Finance Software Solutions Company

Suitable for small and medium organisations

24X7 services with a flexible pricing model

Shachar Technologies

Finance Software Solutions Company

We provide advanced technology to financial institutions to streamline their operations and improve their bottom line. Our team is dedicated to staying ahead of the game and taking care of the technology so that our clients can focus on finance.

Did you know

How Are We Different

Our squad is a powerhouse of banking and fintech know-how. We’re not just tech-heads, but also financial fanatics who are passionate about taking your financial operations to the next level.

Our Products

We craft your solution from concept to reality.

Fintech Solutions

We specialize in developing intelligent risk management solutions for fintech startups, leveraging our expertise in addressing the specific challenges unique to the industry.

Financial Institution Solutions

Our company develops tools with support of AI and ML that improve performance, enhance decision-making, and drive growth to keep you ahead of the curve.

Request a call back?

Please fill out the form and press the submit button.
We will get back to you with 1-2 business days.

Our Location

68, Circular Road, #02-01, 049422, Singapore.
